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Which Cruise Region Do I Need to Select? 


Cruising usually means travelling to different stops within one region, or sometimes you visit different countries in more than one region.

Whatever type of cruise you’re on, it’s important that you nominate the correct region/s so that you’re adequately covered for your whole trip.

Remember that once your ship leaves port, even if you're cruising Australian waters, you’re no longer covered for hospital or medical expenses by Medicare or your private health care provider.

For example, if your cruise leaves from Sydney and then stops in various places in New Zealand, you would need to select Australia and New Zealand as your destinations. If you are flying to Europe and cruising in Germany, you would select Europe as your region.

You need to include all destinations you're travelling to, including all countries your cruise will be stopping in, even if you're not leaving the ship.

Stopovers (not including port-of-calls) do not need to be listed as a destination, provided they do not exceed 24 hours, or occur within the USA. All stops in the USA must be listed.

Our regions are listed as per the below:
Arctic/ Antarctic/ Alaska
Europe (Including Europe River)
Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa
New Zealand
Australian Cruise
South Pacific
Find out more and buy your travel insurance on our Cruise Travel Insurance page.



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All FAQ answers are based on the current effective PDS. If your policy is older than the current PDS, please contact us or refer to your particular policy.

Any information contained on this website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these having regard to the PDS.