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What Are The Age Limits On 1Cover Policies?

Age limits are set at the date of issue of your Certificate of Insurance, i.e if you were 79 at the date of issue, but celebrate your 80th birthday during your trip, you are considered 79 for the duration of the policy.

The following age limits apply to our different policies: 

  • Comprehensive: No age limit*
  • Medical Only: Travellers aged 69 or under
  • Domestic: No age limit*
  • Already Overseas: Travellers aged 69 or under
  • Overseas Frequent Traveller: Travellers aged 69 or under
  • Domestic Frequent Traveller: Travellers aged 69 or under

*Cover is only available up to a maximum of 90 days per journey for travellers aged 80 years or over.

If you are aged 80 years old or above at the time of purchase, a $3,000 excess applies for all claims arising from, related to, or associated with an Injury, Illness or medical condition. You cannot pay to remove this excess. 

We cannot extend an existing policy if your age now exceeds the age limit for your selcted policy.

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All FAQ answers are based on the current effective PDS. If your policy is older than the current PDS, please contact us or refer to your particular policy.

Any information contained on this website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these having regard to the PDS.